Does your business need a boost? Consider employing information products to raise not only the level of visibility but also the level of expertise of your niche business. Here are six ways that these offerings can be useful.
What are Information Products?
Another name for them is “digital products.” They are items that are created by you but delivered in a virtual format. Think of eBooks. The postman won’t deliver a box to your door. Instead, a payment and delivery system is used to accept your money and then provide the link to download the product directly to your chosen device.
Books are not the only thing that can be downloaded. There are a host of digital products to choose from. You, the business owner, are only limited by your imagination and the needs of your target market. People use the Internet to acquire information. These creative digital items can offer your customers what they want in an organized format. Content is still king. Become a member of royalty yourself by using it to your advantage and turning a profit.
6 Uses for Information Products
List building – Everyone wants to make a profit but you often have to give some to get some especially if you are new in the business. Create a special report or a short eBook and offer it free in exchange for subscribing to your list.
Sell for profit – One advantage of information products is that they can work on autopilot for your business. Delivery doesn’t require postage stamps or boxes. Profits can be increased exponentially with the right marketing.
Upselling – While you are using that free eBook to build a list for your business, link it to a variety of products that can be sold. For example, when your new subscriber submits their information on the opt-in page, they are then redirected to a page where they can also have access to an e-course related to the eBook for a great price.
Lead generation – Offer contests on your social media sites with free digital products as prizes. Be sure to remark that on your site what price these products would normally sell for so readers know they are getting a deal. Provide ways for readers to share the contest with others as well.
Newsletters – People like to get things for free as long as it’s good. Send out a monthly newsletter to your list complete with a link to a free video or audio on a subject that interests them. They receive interesting information and another link to more of the same for a price.
Increase visibility – You may market to customers but that doesn’t exclude businesses. Network with other business owners at meetings and on business sites like LinkedIn. Participate but also provide free access to some of your products like select white papers or videos in the spirit of sharing and good faith.
Leverage your products to create a bigger business presence.
Mahmut Pirhan & Aykut Zaim